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KriaaNet has won a subcontract for the transition to the IPv6 Project of the Department of Energy

Home » Awards and Accreditations » KriaaNet has won a subcontract for the transition to the IPv6 Project of the Department of Energy

KriaaNet has won a subcontract for transition to the IPv6 Project from the Support Services Contractor to the Department of Energy(DOE) Office of Legacy Management 

KriaaNet is providing IPv6 Architecture, Design, Training and Planning for DOE. 

KriaaNet is delivering following four tasks to help with the OMB IPv6 mandate.

  • Task 1 – Developing implementation schedule and educating the team
  • Task 2 – Inventorying and evaluating software and hardware assets
  • Task 3 – Establishing the distributed networking in IPv6 and demonstration capability
  • Task 4 – Planning the future rollout strategy 

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memorandum M-21-07 dated November 19, 2020, outlines the following steps.

  1. Designate an agency wide IPv6 integrated project team (including acquisition, policy, and technical members), or other governance structure, within 45 days of issuance of this policy to effectively govern and enforce IPv6 efforts.
  2. Issue and make available on the agency’s publicly accessible website, an agency wide IPv6 policy, within 180 days of issuance of this memorandum. The agency-wide IPv6 policy must require that, no later than Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, all new networked Federal information systems are IPv6-enabled at the time of deployment and state the agency’s strategic intent to phase out the use of IPv4 for all systems.
  3. Identify opportunities for IPv6 pilots and complete at least one pilot of an IPv6-only operational system by the end of FY 2021 and report the results of the pilot to 0MB upon request.  
  4. Develop an IPv6 implementation plan by the beginning of FY 2022 and update the Information Resources Management (IRM) Strategic Plan as appropriate, to update all networked Federal information systems (and the IP-enabled assets associated with these systems) to fully enable native IPv6 operation. The plan shall describe the agency transition process and include the following milestones and actions:
    • At least 20% of IP-enabled assets on Federal networks are operating in IPv6-only environments by the end of FY 2023;
    • At least 50% of IP-enabled assets on Federal networks are operating in IPv6-only environments by the end of FY 2024;
    • At least 80% of IP-enabled assets on Federal networks are operating in IPv6-only environments by the end of FY 2025; and
    • Identify and justify Federal information systems that cannot be converted to use IPv6 and provide a schedule for replacing or retiring these systems.
  5. Work with external partners to identify systems that interface with networked Federal information systems and develop plans to migrate all such network interfaces to the use of IPv6.
  6. Complete the upgrade of public/external facing servers and services (e.g., web, email, DNS, and ISP services) and internal client applications that communicate with public Internet services and supporting enterprise networks to use native IPv6.

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